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JESENIA│ A Republic Hall Quinceañera │Joliet, IL

quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions

This past weekend served for a great celebration, Jesenia's Quinceañera. Jesenia arrived at the church in a train of cars along with her court.

The ceremony was held at Santa Cruz Church in Joliet, Il. Though the blessing was as beautiful as any other, the ceremony was held outside to follow any and all regulations.

Though it was a bit cold and cloudy we still went to the Children's Garden Park in Elwood. Jesenia was great to photograph and all her court was absolutely amazing and cooperative. After pictures, the court was having a great time at the park while waiting on the party bus.

After the Garden, we arrived at Republic Hall where Jesenia and her court were waiting for the guests to accommodate themselves and then begin the grand entrance.

Gorgeous drapes were hung on the entrance to hide our guest of honor as everyone anxiously waited for her to come into the hall.

Once Jesenia and her court made their appearance they all sat down to enjoy a delicious meal. They had the presentation where her parents gave her the last doll to represent the ending of her childhood. Let's not forget that after her doll we had the traditional coronation. Such a beautiful moment with both her parents.

She danced away with her dad and then immediately after surprised the crowd with a fun surprise dance that later opened up the dance floor for all her guests. Overall, a beautiful day she will never forget! Congratulations to the beautiful Quinceañera.

quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions

quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions
quinceañera at republic hall venue joliet illinois joliet photographer and videographer mexican traditions



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@2024 Vero and Sal photo and film (815) 524-1738

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